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Robyn Ochs Media Kit
Robyn Ochs is an educator, speaker, grassroots activist, and editor of Bi Women Quarterly and two anthologies: the 42-country collection Getting Bi: Voices of Bisexuals Around the World and RECOGNIZE: The Voices of Bisexual Men.
Her writings have been published in numerous bi, women’s studies, multicultural, and LGBTQ+ anthologies, and she has taught courses on LGBTQ+ history & politics in the United States and Canada, the politics of sexual orientation, & the experiences of those who transgress the binary categories of gay|straight, masculine|feminine, black|white &/or male|female.
Among other things, she crafted the definition of bisexuality that is used by many bi+ activists around the world: “I call myself bisexual because I acknowledge in myself the potential to be attracted — romantically and/or sexually — to people of more than one gender, not necessarily at the same time, in the same way, or to the same degree.”
She was named by Teen Vogue as one of “9 Bisexual Women Who are Making History,” and she was chosen to represent Massachusetts on the Advocate‘s “50 States, 50 Heroes” list.
Robyn is deeply committed to intersectional and sustainable activism, to working with others to build coalitions across identities and across social movements, to supporting emerging leaders, and to learning and growing. She is particularly interested in bi+ health, the experiences of bi+ people in the workplace, the global bi+ movement, and bi and LGBTQIA+ youth. An activist for 50 years (so far), she is in it for the long haul.
Robyn and Pixel
She lives in Massachusetts and on May 17, 2004, the first day it was legal to do so, Robyn married Peg Preble.
Robyn served for 12 years on the Board of Directors of MassEquality, Massachusetts’ statewide equality organization and for 3 years on the Massachusetts Commission on LGBTQ Youth.
She is the recipient of numerous awards, most recently Campus Pride’s Voice & Action Award, the Bisexual Resource Center’s Community Leadership Award, PFLAG’s Brenda Howard Award, the National LGBT Task Force’s Susan J. Hyde Activism Award and the Harvard Gender & Sexuality Caucus’s Lifetime Achievement Award.
In 2009 at the Creating Change Conference the National LGBTQ Task Force awarded Ochs the Susan J. Hyde Activism Award for Longevity in the Movement. As she presented the award, Creating Change Director Sue Hyde told Ochs: “We hear your clear voice, we see your staunch advocacy and we respond to your loving insistence that our movement includes all of us.”
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Robyn Ochs is a US-based speaker, grassroots activist, and editor of Bi Women Quarterly and two anthologies: the 42-country collection Getting Bi: Voices of Bisexuals Around the World and RECOGNIZE: The Voices of Bisexual Men. An advocate for the rights of people of ALL orientations and genders to live safely, openly and with full access and opportunity, Robyn’s work focuses on increasing awareness and understanding of complex identities and mobilizing people to be powerful allies to one another within and across identities and social movements, with special interest in bi+ health, the experiences of bi+ people in the workplace, the global bi+ movement, and bi and LGBTQIA+ youth. Robyn was named by Teen Vogue as one of “9 Bisexual Women Who are Making History.”
“A phenomenal asset to the queer community and an extraordinary advocate for love.”
-Michelle Wheeler, Student, St. Olaf CollegeRobyn has probably done more than any other person in the U.S. and perhaps even the world to educate the general public about bisexuality.
― Genny Beemyn, Director of the Stonewall Center, UMass Amherst
You make people feel like they matter and that they have the power to do something about the issues that concern them, even if it’s something small on an individual level. That is a beautiful gift.
― Kristen Smith, student, The University at Albany
Robyn Ochs can help you put the B into LGBT… As someone poised at the intersection of theory and action, Ochs introduces complex ideas in an energetic and accessible manner, and she leaves her audiences thinking and poised for action.
― Generation EQ, Human Rights Campaign
Robyn’s workshop was tremendously informative and engaging, and it has stuck with me for years… participants see what genuine diversity and fluidity look[s] like. The result is a rejection not only of the notion of binaries but of the dominant societal narratives about orientation.
― Paul Lucas, Playwright, Trans Scripts
The students LOVE you. You are by far the most anticipated recurring event next to the drag show. Sorry, the queens always win out!!
― Emily Calfo, Florida Gulf Coast University
[An] incredibly phenomenal, amazing, insightful, creative, and genuine educator… by far one of the most intelligent, thought provoking, and engaging people I’ve ever met.
“The absolute empress of sexual fluidity.”
-Kate BornsteinThe absolute empress of sexual fluidity.
Thank you for an evening that expanded me beyond my expectations… I am still figuring out where/what/who I am as it relates to my sexuality. Last night was a compassionate compass.
I just wanted to thank you personally for the workshop last night. It was one of those things that change the way you look at the world in general, and that doesn’t happen very often.
― Ryan Thoreson, Harvard University
The word was, ‘She’s REALLY cool.’ It does my heart good for our students to be exposed to such positive role models, and you fit the bill quite nicely. Also, your workshop really opened some minds, some in particular that really needed opening.
― Professor Charles LoPresto, Loyola University
Your presentation in my class was everything I had hoped it would be: thought-provoking and important in a very accessible way. You do such great educational work!!
― Anne Phibbs, University of Minnesota
One person described their time with you as being at an ‘LGBTQ spa,’ so I think it’s safe to say that you recharged a lot of batteries and renewed and refreshed the spirits of our faculty and students. Thank you.
― Kimberly, University of Illinois Springfield
“Robyn has an uncanny ability to make you feel loved and safe while talking about really hard hitting topics.”
-Ben Vivona, University of Louisville
Articles + Interviews
“Bye bye binary: How Gen Z’s bi boom could change EVERYTHING for future generations.” Denny. Reckon, 2/2/2024. [PDF]
“On the Importance of Bi+ Visibility: an Interview with Robyn Ochs.” Campus Pride, 9/22/2023. [PDF]
“Activists mark Bisexual Awareness Week.” Cal Benn. Washington Blade, 9/20/2023. [PDF]
“Bi Visibility Is Good, but Bi Community Is Better.” Zachary Zane. Cosmopolitan, 9/23/2022. [PDF]
“The Buzz: Life Beyond the Binary.” Hannah Sorila. The Inclusion Solution, 6/9/2022. [PDF]
“What Is ‘Radical Monogamy’?” Nick Levine. Vice, 3/8/2022. [PDF]
“I’m a bisexual woman and I don’t know how to date men.” Lois Shearing. Mashable, 12/24/2021. [PDF]
“Your Guide To Identities That Aren’t L, G, B, T, & Q.” Jay Polish. Bustle, 6/9/2021. [PDF]
“Googling the definition of pansexual? Your guide to what it means to be pan.” Ally Head. Marie Claire, 1/26/2021. [PDF]
“5 Ways To Eliminate Biphobia in the LGBTQ+ Community, According to Bi+ Activists.” Gabrielle Kassel, Well and Good, 11/16/2020. [PDF]
“Merriam-Webster Updates Definition for ‘Bisexual.’” Kevin Schattenkirk, Edge Media Network, 9/24/2020. [PDF]
“Where does the media’s portrayal of bisexuality go from here?” Zoe Christen Jones, CBS News, 9/24/2020. [PDF]
“The evolution of the word ‘bisexual’ — and why it’s still misunderstood.” Alex Berg, NBC News, 9/23/2020. [PDF]
“Bisexuality: It’s not what you think it means.” Beth Greenfield, Yahoo Life, 9/23/2020.
“Merriam-Webster Updates Definition of ‘Bisexual’,” Trudy Ring, The Advocate, 9/23/2020. [PDF]
“How Did We Get Here? 6 Bi People on Coming to Their Identity for Bi+ Week 2020.” Autostraddle, 9/22/2020. [PDF]
“Verbalizing the Self: Why Bisexuals Are Fighting to Update the Definition of Bisexuality.” Rachel Charlene Lewis, Bitch Media, 9/9/2020. [PDF]
“Robyn Ochs— Being Out Is Activism,” Jennie Roberson, Bi.org, 3/24/2020. [PDF]
“An Interview with Robyn Ochs,” Elizabeth Zwart, LGBTQ Policy Journal, 3/11/2020. [PDF]
“Who’s the ‘Q’ in LGBTQ? Study shines light on ‘queer’ identities,” Tim Fitzsimons, NBC News, 1/23/2020. [PDF]
“Bi-pan-queer people need the Equality Act’s protections” (Op-ed),” Washington Blade, 12/13/2019. [PDF]
“Why Bisexual Women Are at a Higher Risk for Violence,” Reina Gattuso, Teen Vogue 12/6/2019. [PDF]
“Almost 30 percent of bisexual women, trans people live in poverty, report finds,” Tim Fitzsimons, NBC News, 10/29/2019. [PDF]
“Bisexuality Has Always Challenged Norms—Even in the Queer World,” The Nation, 6/29/2019. [PDF]
“Queer Imposter Syndrome Can Be Challenging, But Here’s How To Move Past It,” Anna Levinson, Bustle, 6/18/2019. [PDF]
“Bisexual people have long felt excluded at Pride festivities. That’s finally changing.” Zachary Zane, The Washington Post, 6/7/2019. [PDF]
“The Difference Between Bisexual & Pansexual Matters Less Than Solidarity Among LGBTQ Folks, Advocates Say,” Mika Doyle, Bustle, 2/18/2019. [PDF]
“What Does It Mean To Be Heteroflexible?” Kasandra Brabaw, Refinery29, 5/8/2018. [PDF]
“‘Bisexual’ Doesn’t Mean What You Think It Means,” Kasandra Brabaw, Refinery29, 2/2/2018.
“11 amazing bisexual heroes everyone should know about” Bea Mitchell, Pink News, 12/5/2017. [PDF]
“Jamaica Plain’s Robyn Ochs Recognized for Bisexual Advocacy,” David Ertischek, Jamaica Plain News, 5/24/2017. [PDF]
“50 States, 50 Heroes,” The Advocate, 5/10/2017. [PDF]
“13 Incredible Bisexual People You Need to Follow on Instagram,” Caitlin Jinks, Buzzfeed, 3/3/2017. [PDF]
“Q&A: Bisexual Activist Robyn Ochs,” Zachary Zane, Huffington Post, 7/07/2016. [PDF]
“Faces of LGBT Pride,” The Obama White House, Medium, 6/26/2016. [PDF]
“Bi Women Are More Likely To Be Depressed Than Lesbian Or Straight Women, Study Finds,” Zack Ford, ThinkProgress. 5/15/2016. [PDF]
“Bisexuality and Beyond,” Carrie Suggs, The Buff and Blue, 12/15/15
“Robyn Ochs – Bisexual Activist and Icon,” Nicole Wiesenthal, South Florida Gay News, 9/17/2015. [PDF]
“Same-Sex Marriage Not Enough: Refocusing the Fight for LGBT Equality,” The Rainbow Times, 8/6/2015. [PDF]
“Worth a Look: Recognize: The Voices of Bisexual Men,” The Lit Chick, Options Magazine, 1/22/2015. [PDF]
“B-Girl,” Loren King reviews RECOGNIZE: The Voices of Bisexual Men, Boston Spirit Magazine, Jan/Feb 2015.
“A Review of Recognize: The Voices of Bisexual Men,” A.J. Walkley, Bi Magazine, 12/15/2014. [PDF]
“Breaking down the myths about Male Bisexuality,” Steve Lee, LGBT Weekly, 12/11/2014. [PDF]
“Bisexuals, Invisible Majority?” Central Voice, Nov/Dec 2014 [PDF].
“Auburn’s LGBT community celebrates sexual expression on campus,” Derek Herskovici, The Auburn Plainsman, 10/16/2014. [PDF]
“The spectrum of sexuality: Going beyond gay and straight,” Kyle Nazario, The Auburn Plainsman, 10/9/2014. [PDF]
“When Bisexual People Get Left Out of Marriage,” Eliel Cruz, the Advocate, 8/25/2014. [PDF]
“Beyond Binaries,” Caroline Zhang, The Harvard Crimson, 3/29/2013. [PDF]
In Books
“Without Wincing or Clenching: Bisexual People’s Experiences with Health Providers.” Bodies and Barriers: Queer Activists on Health, Adrian Shanker, Kate Kendell, Rachel L. Levine, PM Press, 2020.
“Dancing with My Grandma: Talking with Robyn Ochs About Complex Identities and Simple Messages in the Marriage Equality Movement,” Bisexuality and Same-Sex Marriage, Laurie Kendall, (Ed. M. Paz Galupo). Routledge, 2008.
“Bi Signs and Wonders: An Interview with Robyn Ochs,” Heidi Randen, Journal of Bisexuality, Vol. 1, No. 1, 2001, pp. 5-26.
In Audio
Sex Ed Enthusiast – Exploring Bisexual Activism Beyond Binaries with Robyn Ochs. May 2, 2024.
The Rainbow Advocate – Episode 12: Robyn Ochs. Sept 26, 2023.
Blue Hotel – I Call Myself Bisexual with Robyn Ochs. June 1, 2023.
Two Bi Guys – Season 3, Episode 7: “Robyn Ochs Literally Defines Bisexuality.” October 11, 2021.
Bisexual Brunch – Program 14. Part 2 of Interview with Robyn Ochs. December 13, 2020.
Bisexual Brunch – Program 13. Part 1 of Interview with Robyn Ochs. December 1, 2020.
Ask Your Gay Uncle – “Episode 19. Experimenting in College and Women Who Watch Gay Porn.” October 28, 2020. Listen to the podcast.
Bi Day Friday interview for DROP THE SUBJECT podcast, February 2019.
“How We Got Here” interview on LGBTQ+ history with student Meghan Foley for her senior project. December 21, 2017. Listen to the podcast.
Strange Fruit: “Bisexual Visibility in A Non-Binary World.” November, 2017. Listen to the podcast.
Talkzone, On The Edge: Embracing the Complexities of Sexual Orientation. November 30, 2017.
Robyn Ochs is interviewed by Peterson Toscano and Zack Ford on Queerer and Queerer. Episode title “Bi and Bier.” Recorded in Pennsylvania on February 16, 2011.
Here’s a lovely interview with “Mrs. Margie Pederson“, “a.k.a. “Mrs. P.” conducted in St. Paul, MN on April 10, 2010.
John Selig Outspoken Episode 67 – Robyn Ochs (Part 1 of 2) – Bisexual Writer, Educator & Activist. December 2009 interview.
John Selig Outspoken Episode 68 – Robyn Ochs (Part 2 of 2) – Bisexual Writer, Educator & Activist. December 2009 interview.
This Show is So Gay: Robyn Ochs, Guest, May 6, 2009.
In Other Languages
Croatian: Biseksualci su rijetko prepoznati. Bi-gasovi: Interview s Robyn Ochs. Razgovarao: Igor Graovac. (Original text & English translation)
Dutch: Robyn Ochs: Als Bi Begrijp ik Mezelf in Zij aan Zij, interview by Saskia Doorschodt, The Netherlands, jaargang 18/ nummer 8/2009, pp. 86-87 (English translation)
Flemish: Bi-fobie & Binaire Breinen: Activiste Robyn Ochs, interview by Mieke Stessens, ZiZo: magazine voor holebi’s and transgenders, 17 de jrg. Nr. 99 (Nov. 2009), pp. 22-24 (English translation)
Italian: La bisessualità ha sempre messo in discussione le norme anche nel mondo queer. (July 2019)(Original text in English)
Italian: Robyn Ochs: Robyn, First Lady dell’atttivismo Bi por Alex en Bisexworld.it (Junio 2002). (English translation)
Spanish: Robyn Ochs: La bisexualidad y el espacio entre categorías binarias por John Townsend en Lavender Magazine (Junio 2008). Traducido por Myriam Brito.
Spanish: La Bisexualidad en estudios sobre sexualidad, por Myriam Brito Dominguez Opción Bi, 1 March 2007.
Spanish: Discriminación y Bifobia, por Myriam Brito Domínguez (in Spanish) in Opción Bi, 1 September 2006.
Spanish: Las Fronteras Bisexuales, por José Antonio Hernández Reyes in Opción Bi 2 June 2006.